I can build a blog web site for you.
What do I offer?
- Putting together a blog site.
- I shall try to do it with a theme which fits the subject of your blog (fashion, political etc)
- Website can be in English, Dutch (for other languages, please consult).
- I expect to spend max 40 hours on it.
What do I NOT offer?
- Content. Please note that I only offer to make the technical build up of the site. I cannot write text or provide images, graphics etc for you. Content is your responsibility!
- Hosting. Your blog website (that I prepare for you) has to "live" somewhere in internet on a computer server. It is called "hosting". Hosting companies usually charge a monthly or yearly amount for it (sorry they do not accept timparas :-) ). You can find yourself yourself a hosting company or I can help you find one. But you may need to pay to the hosting company directly (without my involvement).
- Domain name. If you want to have your own address in internet (like mybestfashionblogi.com), you need to register a "domain name". The prices of domain names vary from 1 euro to 100 or so, depending on the issuing authority and the extension (.com, .net, .nl, .co.uk, etc). You register yourself directly or I help you find a registrar. In any case, I do not take any money from you. You pay directly to the registrar.
- Once I make the website for you, you yourself take care of it. I do not maintain it for you.
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