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Results for "amsterdam freecycle"


    • Jan R Houten

      REQUEST: I am looking for a bike

      Hello, I am a 21 year old sociology student in Amsterdam. If you have a bike that you are not using anymore and can give it to me it will be great. I do not have enough timppara credit now. If you accept I can pay in advance whatever I have at that point (in every case, at least 20 timppara) a...

      Tags: amsterdam, bike, timppara bike, amsterdam freecycle, freecycle, freecycle amsterdam

      • Jan R Houten

        OFFER: I can teach you to play drums

        I am an intermediate drum player. Mainly jazz. I can teach you the basics of drumming in 5 lessons. I guess each lesson will take around 1 hour or so. I provide the drums and the place (a warehouse in Amsterdam Noord). Only seriously interested please.

        Tags: drum, drum playing, drumming, timppara, freecycle amsterdam, amsterdam freecycle, freecycle

        • Jan R Houten

          OFFER: I shall try to teach you how to ride a bike

          I can teach you how to bike. I know that there area some people out there who do not know how to bike. Especially people migrated from countries where bikes are not popular. I can teach you how to bike in 5 lessons. Only for people between 17y.o and 60y.o. I am saying I shall do my best to tea...

          Tags: bike, ride a bike, riding bike, amsterdam freecycle, amsterdam cycle, amsterdam bicycle